Official Expert of Justice
Land & Buildings Evaluation
Price determination & expert work of land, building, apartment, estate, unfinished buildings (all applications )
Evaluation and report presentation of expert work regarding to properties having mixed occupancy such as factories.
Evaluation of properties and value determination with translation to English language to present to embassies and foreign courts.
Price determination for dispute settlement or fair prices determination for the purpose of transaction performance.
Expert work for courts and organizations for collateral and/or tenders and auctions, execution of decrees.
Price determination for cession of properties located in the development plans such as Municipalities, Ministries…
Expert work in legal bill execution of purchasing & lands and properties acquisition method for execution of government’s plans.
Expert work in law execution of expire date approach of buildings, properties and lands requirement of municipalities
Determination of proportional share of common site for determination of share ownership in contracts of partnership in construction.
Estimation of Construction Expenses
Determination of execution’s expenses of buildings and properties for aforesaid cases in previous clause.
Calculation of parties’ brought in portion, in contracts, partnership in construction and development contracts.
Looking into disputes of employers and contractors regarding expenses of execution.
Cause Determination of Losses, Scope of Losses and Repairs in Constructional Affairs.
To provide reason and study causes of damage to buildings for the purpose of recognizing offender.
Determination of scope of incurred loss for the purpose of providing expense from side of causer.
Determination of cause and scope of incurred damage in unsuccessful repair projects.
Recognition Virtue of Construction Works Performance for Technical & Execution Reason.
Examination of validity of executed development operations in construction projects
Conforming execution cases with contracts and dispute settlement.
Technical conformity of execution’s documents with project.
Material quality control, weld analysis, conformity of laboratory’s results documents of execution.
Conformity of building drawings with status of location & building.
Determination of properties’ precedence.
Recognition of Disputes between Contractors, Employers &Consultants
To attend to contracts between contractors, employers and consultants.
Presenting legal & technical consultation and preparation of important construction, commercial and referral contracts.
Estimation of contactor’s claim and calculation and announcement of updated value of claims at the time of payment.
Expert work and determination of scope of incurred losses arising from performance of employer, contractor or consultant.
Recompense calculation of unanticipated construction works in contracts.
Recognition of reasons and causes of change in contract period and calculation of legal value resulting from that.
Examination of project’s delays and value calculation of delays in terms of Rial in contracts.
Examination of suspension or expedition of project and presentation of expert work’s report (calculation of their value in terms of Rial)
Examination of validation or lack of validation reasons of guarantee records for obligations and virtue of the work performance.
Presentation of expert work’s report of incurred non-material and material losses due to guarantees record and/or blocked claims
Presentation of expert work’s report of value calculation for change in quantity of work, new prices, adjustment rate of contract in terms of Rial.
Examination & presentation of expert work’s report of validity or lack of validity of reasons of contract’s cancellation and loss estimation resulting from that.
Conformity validation of rules & regulation and general conditions of agreement in contract.
Commentary Conformity of general conditions of agreement, rules & by-laws with contractors’ current contracts.
Preparation of finial invoice of contractors’ contract based on article 51, 52 and status of accounts and adjustment rate of agreement &…
Presentation of comparative report of contract’s invoice with documents and rules & by-laws.
Obtaining required inquiries for preparation of invoice for contractors from relevant authorities and follow up for quickening.
Preparation of estimation report subject of engineering law of value in specific contracts.
Preparation of estimation report of intellectual ownership and intangible assets and registered exclusive rights.
Preparation of estimation & evaluation report of property & asset’s value and value of companies’ stock.
Preparation of estimation report of projects and construction plans for decision making in tenders and auctions.
Preparation of justification plans’ report and evaluation of available plans due to execution and possibility of achieving objective.
Announcing opinion in connection with estimation of work’s execution, the total sum of agreement, initial and final sum, coefficient, rate and duration of agreement.
Providing reason and evaluation in case of damages and losses resulting from work and work insurance like death, wound, &.
Determination of factor, providing reason and evaluation in case of incurred losses to installation infrastructure
Examination of program scheduling validity and physical & finical progress( in terms of Rial).
Determination and taking statistics of duties of contractors, employers and consultant in specific contract.
Computation and attend to statement of accounts and calculation of items of general conditions of agreement in the contract.
Examination and evaluation of prepared studies, report and plans through consulting engineer.
Examination, evaluation and report presentation of providing reason of execution virtue of plans through contractors.
To attend and supervision on trend of temporary or delivery stages in plans.
Presentation of recommended plans for management improvement and adjustment of chart and obtaining required standards of international plans.
Presentation of consultation and technical services abroad for justification of Iranian and foreign commercial companies’ right.
Preparation of required documents in other languages for presentation in international courts such as international court of Hague and …regarding tenders and international contracts.
Litigation plan and follow up of obtaining result in international courts and introduction of competent lawyers regarding tenders and international contracts.
Presenting consultation regarding internal & external consortium for participation in international tenders.
Size Measurement in Terms of Meter & Building Estimation and Determination of Scope of Work Progress and Reasonable Compensation of Construction Works.
To attend to the amounts of work and building’s statement of account and calculation of executable amounts according to volume (m3)
Calculation of required materials according to volumetric and in terms of Rials
Presentation of comparative report of scheduling percentage of building execution progress based on physical and material growth in terms of Rial.
Determination of wages and execution expenses of factors involved in construction.
Examination and opinion announcement in case of program scheduling of project execution and project control.
Determination & Adjustment of Rental and Fair Equivalent of Rental
Determination of fair equivalent and equivalent expenses of operation from properties.
Calculation of updated rental rate of entire uses and adjustment of rental ,goodwill.
Determination of Goodwill and Right Business & Trade
For the purpose of performing transactions and cession to government and municipalities
Determination of owner’s share in transfer of goodwill
Calculation of right to business & trade liable to ownership & tenement Act before year 1997.
Recognition of Waste and Uncultivated Lands in Construction Viewpoint
Properties Registration Affairs
Surveying, recognition and determination of limit and location of registered properties and real estates.
Presentation of UTM map and determination of global coordinates.
Preparation of location view of properties for lands & deed registries and in execution of new Act for properties which lack title deed
To conform area, and limit and recognition of disputes and conflict of ownership documents, excess area.
Separation and division of joint ownership properties and buildings.
Opinion announcement regarding registered article 140, 147, 148.
Comparative examination of prohibitive law of registered land status and building lack of official document and by-laws.
Interpretation of aerial pictures in lands and implementation of registered tag on land and plan.
Preparation of map for properties lack of length and dimensions for presenting to office of municipalities and lands & deed registry.
Surveying and implementing boundary of properties on aerial map.
Titles of Expert works and acts based on power of Attorney
(Engineers, Lawyers and Official expert)
Evaluation of buildings, apartment flats, villa-houses and partially built structures
Evaluation of lands and construction material
Architecture & urban planning, management of the affairs of the properties located within the limits of urban planning projects
Surveying and determination of the limits and situation; reporting of the special volumes of earth works within the scope of projects
Road & Transportation and traffic engineering for determination of the causes behind the occurrence of accidents
Registration of properties and the management of the affairs related with the commissions subject to articles 5,12,100,147,and 148
Acceptance and arrangement of processing of landed property claims versus municipality and filing of cases with administrative court
Determination of goodwill business rights and key money
Determination of rentals for independent units and complexes
Determination of rent equivalent and the rentals fallen due
Detection of the causes and amount of loss and estimation of repair cost
Arrangement of work volumes and construction work invoices
Preparation of statements of work volumes and construction invoices based on price tests.
Evaluation and preparation of statements of road construction and channeling operations
Evaluation and assessment of the quality of iron parts, asphalt, concrete and construction materials
Evaluation, appraisal, and preparation of statements of work volumes with the intent of making a comparison between performed work and the related drawings and specification.
Evaluation and assessment of the studies reports and designs prepared by consultant engineers.
Adaptation of contractual specifications of structures with particulars of the site and construction method.
Preparation of architectural and structural plans and the drawings of electrical and mechanical installations
Surveying and plotting the limits of landed properties on aerial maps
Plotting separate registered properties within municipal limits according to the crossings and avenues in the aerial map.
Surveying of lands and preparation of cross sections and statements of earth works volumes
Assessment of registered limits of properties and settlement of the disputes there from
Interpretation of aerial photographs of registered plots and determination of their locations according to aerial photographs
Separation and demarcation of plots and preparation of precise plans of severed
Plots and statements of evaluation of the same
Review of registration files and identification of limits of each plot
Surveying and preparation of drawings showing the location of aqueducts, the routes of rivers , channels and streams.
Settlement of the disputes between employers and contractors
Determination of justified unjustified nature of the excuses provided for cancellation of a contract with a contractor.
Expert evaluation and determination of the loss from the act of a contractor or consultant
Expert study of the disputes between employers and consultant engineers
Assessment of the extension of a contract and determination of justified unjustified nature of the delayed performance by a consultant engineer or a contractor engineer
Determination of the fees of a consultant engineer under the conditions where a dispute arises thereon with no stipulation of the fess in the contract
Determination of the fees to be paid to a consultant engineer for the services provided by him/her until the date of cancellation expiration of the contract.
Adaptation of construction drawings to the status of the site and buildings