کارشناس رسمی دادگستری

Price determination & expert work of land, building, apartment, estate, unfinished buildings (all applications )
Evaluation and report presentation of expert work regarding to properties having mixed occupancy such as factories.
Evaluation of properties and value determination with translation to English language to present to embassies and foreign courts.
Price determination for dispute settlement or fair prices determination for the purpose of transaction performance.
Expert work for courts and organizations for collateral and/or tenders and auctions, execution of decrees.
Price determination for cession of properties located in the development plans such as Municipalities, Ministries…
Expert work in legal bill execution of purchasing & lands and properties acquisition method for execution of government’s plans.
Expert work in law execution of expire date approach of buildings, properties and lands requirement of municipalities
Determination of proportional share of common site for determination of share ownership in contracts of partnership in construction.